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Metamorphosis is the pre-eminent provider of Content Coaching for teachers, coaches, and administrators. We transform schools and districts into high-performing learning communities where a culture of learning is embedded at every level of the organization.
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Be Ready to Pivot.
About half the students had their phones out, despite the school’s no-phone policy. Three girls chatted loudly from their seats near the front of the room. Another girl and boy bantered loudly across two other students. A boy came in and out of the classroom, making a show of his entrance each time. A handful of students sat quietly but were too distracted by the others to possibly follow the attempted lesson.
Effective Effort Drives the Development of Capabilities
The originator of “Smart Is Something You Can Get,” Jeff Howard, claims effective effort is the key to improvement. Effort, in this case, doesn’t just apply to students. The administrators, educators, caregivers, and students must strive to achieve proficiency.
WATCH: Why Group and Team Leaders Need to Embrace Group Skills and Create Psychological Safety Among Educators
"How do you make it safe to talk about the stuff you're not supposed to talk about?" asks Bruce Wellman, a founding partner of the publishing, training, and consulting firm, MiraVia LLC. Group skills are critical to building strong teams and leading effectively....
Client Testimonials
Partner schools, districts, teachers, and coaches and children testify to the many ways that they are enriched by their work with Metamorphosis.