Metamorphosis is a community of committed educators and master coaches. Our consultants have extensive experience working with teachers on content and pedagogy. They focus on planning, implementing, and reflecting on rich and robust lessons that are engaging for children, foster a joy for learning, and lead to educational and personal success.
Many of our consultants are also part of the faculties of education of numerous universities, thus keeping on the cutting edge of the pulse of research and pedagogy.

Madonna Afriyie
Secondary Mathematics
Madonna believes that students learn math best when pushed to think critically about the processes in which they engage…

Maria T. Akinyele
Literacy Consultant
Maria Tope Akinyele is a literacy consultant specializing in designing culturally relevant and constructivist approaches…
Ify Anako
Secondary Mathematics
Mary McLeod Bethune writes, “We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to…
Audrey Bellovin
Elementary Mathematics
Audrey Bellovin is a highly accomplished math educator with over three decades of experience in the field. Her commitment to enhancing student understanding of mathematics is evident ….
Corinne Berthiaume
Elementary Mathematics
Corinne Berthiaume worked in New York City elementary public schools for 10 years. She began teaching in ICT…
Kathy Blozy
Secondary Mathematics
Kathy Blozy began her love of mathematics education while teaching math with the Peace Corps in Malawi, Africa…
Yaa Boison
Secondary Mathematics
Yaa began her career as a middle school math teacher in the Bronx before transitioning to a Title 1 school in…
Nancy Buck
Nancy Buck is dedicated to shifting the perception of mathematics in the United States…
Anne Burgunder
Upper Elementary & Secondary Mathematics
Anne Burgunder is widely regarded as a teacher’s teacher. She understands the dilemmas of teaching…
Maureen Cassidy
Elementary Mathematics
Maureen Cassidy has been serving the students and educators in the state of Maryland for 32 years. During her 12 years in the classroom, …
Deanna Catanzaro
Deanna Catanzaro began her journey in education as an undergraduate at New York University, where she earned…
Susan Habicht
Susan is a NY and NJ certified math educator with over 25 years of experience working with 4th through 12th grade students in public…
Abby Gordon
Dr. Usha Kotelawala
K-16 Mathematics
Dr. Usha Kotelawala is the director at Developing a Mathematical Toolkit…
Larry Leaven
Contract Specialist/Leadership & Literacy
Larry Leaven, former Founding Principal of the Dalton School Hong Kong, has worked in education for 35 years…
Ron Lodetti
Secondary Mathematics
Ron is a dedicated educator and instructional coach with a profound commitment to fostering mathematical understanding and appreciation…
Dr. Charlene Marchese
K-8 Mathematics
Dr. Charlene Marchese has worked in Mathematics Education for over thirty years. Her passion…
Kim McLeveighn
Elementary Mathematics
In her 21 years as a special educator in the Bronx, Kim has found that context, connection and culture are essential elements of math…
Linda Paparella
Elementary Mathematics
Linda Paparella is in her 5th year as part of the Metamorphosis team. After 11 years of classroom experience in New York City…
Ali Peacock
Elementary Mathematics
Ali approaches all learning opportunities with teachers and students from a place of inquiry and knows building trusting…
Susan Picker
Secondary Mathematics
As an educator and coach, Susan Picker cares most deeply that students are in mathematics…
Sarah Radke
Upper Elementary & Secondary Mathematics
Maria Tope Akinyele is a literacy consultant Sarah Radke works closely with upper elementary, middle…
Sarah Ryan
Elementary Mathematics
Sarah Ryan began her teaching career at P.S. 234, where she was lucky enough to be coached by Lucy West…
Kayla Schlichting
Elementary Mathematics
Michelle Spiers
Michelle has worked side by side with administrators, teachers and students across the country to develop deep flexible…
Deyshawn Clarke-Wells
Secondary Mathematics
Deyshawn began his career in education as a Middle School Math teacher, serving the Brownsville and Bed Stuy Brooklyn areas…
Amy Withers
Elementary & Middle School Mathematics
Amy is passionate about collaborating with teachers to craft student-centered math lessons where students…
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