Beverly Davidman
Secondary Mathematics
Beverly Davidman, a much-sought-after math teaching consultant in the New York City Public School system, was for 34 years a highly acclaimed high school math teacher. Always deeply concerned about teaching and reaching all of her students, Beverly composed and created a unique collection of rap songs and developed the beloved persona of “Queen Math Tea-cha” to help her struggling geometry students learn the complex theorems. Her effectiveness in the classroom and total dedication to her students led to her wide recognition among math educators, her being selected in 1994 by the Walt Disney Organization as the number one math teacher in America and a distinguished appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Her teaching style was so unique and her success in raising math achievement was so successful that she was covered in publications such as the New York Times and featured on NBC Dateline as Person of the Week.
Beverly has worked as a coach, advisor and mentor for mathematics teachers for the New York City Department of Education, Math for America, and Metamorphosis for the past 15 years. She has taught as an Adjunct Professor at City College in the Real World Mathematics Program and New York University and has given numerous workshops in NYC and in other states to help teachers examine, explore, and grow in their practice. Her experience teaching elementary school, junior high school and high school gives her a unique perspective in helping teachers to analyze how students learn best.