The originator of “Smart Is Something You Can Get,” Jeff Howard, claims effective effort is the key to improvement. Effort, in this case, doesn’t just apply to students. The administrators, educators, caregivers, and students must strive to achieve...
“How do you make it safe to talk about the stuff you’re not supposed to talk about?” asks Bruce Wellman, a founding partner of the publishing, training, and consulting firm, MiraVia LLC. Group skills are critical to building strong teams and leading...
Lowering test anxiety is critical to achieving better exam scores. Here are some ways to prepare your pupils for success this test-taking season. 1. Share Effective and Non-Effective Study Methods Remind students that carefully and calmly reading test questions...
Agreat way for students to work collaboratively and show their thinking is by having them make a poster. This can be hard to manage sometimes, but I have a few tips to help. 1. Create a template for a math poster for the students at the beginning of the...
Irecently coined the phrase High Status/Low Risk share as an effective way to interrupt the status quo in the classroom in terms of which voices are considered “smart”. This move works well during turn and talk or small group work when I can listen in to the students...