
Do you know what a lollipop moment is?

Aug 4, 2022 | Stories from the Field

As an educator, we bet that you have had many unrecognized lollipop moments or maybe even witnessed some examples that your students have had. Don’t let them go to waste. Check out this short TED Talk to find out and pick up some lollipops while you’re at it!

Best-selling author Drew Dudley (This Is Day One) breaks down everyday leadership in this uplifting six-minute clip that calls for us to make more lollipop moments a staple in our daily lives. The idea that leadership is for a certain few or requires remarkable efforts to be worthy of praise is untrue and intimidating. In Dudley’s eyes, everyone can be a leader who helps to build strong and supportive communities by doing simple and effective acts that empower others. Dudley reminds us that making a difference in people’s lives might be small to us but affirming and life-changing to others. Watch the inspiring clip and tell us your most memorable lollipop moment in the comment section.