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Metamorphosis is the pre-eminent provider of Content Coaching for teachers, coaches, and administrators. We transform schools and districts into high-performing learning communities where a culture of learning is embedded at every level of the organization.
Blog Posts
Find out what our fabulous and inspiring consultants are up to!
Did you know that many teachers (and their students) still think that math is about memorization and doing?
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) begs to differ. Math is a sensemaking endeavor. In this webinar, math educator (Annie Fetter) discusses the power of centering “sense-making” in math class. Students often believe that math is a ‘doing’...
Is Mathematics Really A Language?
Did you know mathematics is considered a language? The iconic Italian philosopher, Galileo Galilei, certainly thought this was the case. He said, “The laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics…the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word.”
How Transparent and Collaborative Are Great Leaders?
In the journal article, Principal and Coach as Partners, Metamorphosis founder Lucy West raises provocative questions about the roles and relationships between coaches and principals. She challenges us to consider what it means to work as partners.
Client Testimonials
Partner schools, districts, teachers, and coaches and children testify to the many ways that they are enriched by their work with Metamorphosis.