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Metamorphosis is the pre-eminent provider of Content Coaching for teachers, coaches, and administrators. We transform schools and districts into high-performing learning communities where a culture of learning is embedded at every level of the organization.
Blog Posts
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Cultivating Robust Classroom Discourse: Day 1
The video segment you will see is part of a minilesson introduced to the whole class in preparation for the students to tackle a rich math problem individually and in pairs later in the lesson. If you watched our video from last week, you will note the difference in the communication skills of the students.
Your Sixth Graders Can Do This Too. Are You Willing to Teach Them How?
The teacher in the video has been practicing the usual talk moves—turn and talk, say more about that, and repeat back for about a month to cultivate listening skills and new habits for explaining their thinking and attending to a math problem until they understand it. This class is a typical 6th grade class with a wide range of student understanding.
Is it Possible that Your students are More Sophisticated Thinkers Than You Realize?
How often in the hectic school day do you take the time to find out what kids are thinking about? How often do you encourage kids to hypothesize or ask questions? If you are the one doing the talking, explaining, and questioning, you may be missing a treasure trove of information that can improve student engagement and learning.
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