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Metamorphosis is the pre-eminent provider of Content Coaching for teachers, coaches, and administrators. We transform schools and districts into high-performing learning communities where a culture of learning is embedded at every level of the organization.
Blog Posts
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Looking for Last Minute Tips in Preparation for the State Test?
This installment of “Turn and Talk” takes us through detailed talk moves that center the students in classroom discussions. If you’re looking for quick tips to use in preparation for the state tests, the points excerpted from “Adding Talk to the Equation: Discussion and Delivery in Mathematics” will do the job.
We Love Teachers!
Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-May 6) is here, so we are taking time out to appreciate the great work so many educators and administrators are doing in schools. All of us at Metamorphosis recognize the hard work, dedication, creativity, and perseverance of the teachers that we have been working with. Thank you! Our kids are thriving because of you.
How well do your students listen to each other?
Listening is an essential part of the “turn and talk” strategy we encourage educators to apply in classrooms. Check out the tips below, excerpted from, “Adding Talk to the Equation: Discussion and Delivery in Mathematics.” Put them into practice to create a classroom that fosters high-quality listening and deep learning.
Client Testimonials
Partner schools, districts, teachers, and coaches and children testify to the many ways that they are enriched by their work with Metamorphosis.