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Math Institutes
Experience new pedagogical practices & delve deeply into content that supports student understanding.
Content Coaching
Incorporate ideas from theory into your practice with the support of a mentor.
Professional Learning Comm.
Study specific aspects of teaching & learning with other professionals in real classrooms in real time.
Metamorphosis is the pre-eminent provider of Content Coaching for teachers, coaches, and administrators. We transform schools and districts into high-performing learning communities where a culture of learning is embedded at every level of the organization.
Blog Posts
Find out what our fabulous and inspiring consultants are up to!
Have You Tried This Protocol?
Metamorphosis provides training in Illustrative Mathematics (IM). The three read protocol is one of the ideas that may be useful to you. Have you tried it? (Video Source: Edutopia).
Do you know what it takes to transform a chronically failing school?
In this inspiring TED Talk, principal Linda Cliatt-Wayman shows how setting high expectations, enforcing discipline, and having love for students can turn a failing school into a prospering one in just one year. “If you are going to lead, lead!”
Did you know most girls are taught that they are not good in math?
A former scientist and engineer (Phylecia Jones) believes we need to use our voices to remind girls and young women that they are good at mathematics. In this Ted talk, Phylecia appeals to us to encourage young women to pursue and stay in STEM classes and careers.
Client Testimonials
Partner schools, districts, teachers, and coaches and children testify to the many ways that they are enriched by their work with Metamorphosis.