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Number Talks Using Pictures (Grades 5-6)
Did you know that mathematics can be a very visual subject? People rely on their vision to make sense and understand the world around them. We can assist all of our students to make sense of mathematics by using images that illustrate and intrigue. Pictures and images play an important role in a child’s growing development.
Number Talks Using Pictures (Grades 3-4)
Did you ever hear the saying, “a picture is worth 1000 words?”Children, like adults, rely on their vision to make sense and understand the world around them. Teachers can use visuals to their advantage when teaching mathematics. Pictures and images play an important role in a child’s growing development.
Number Talks Using Pictures
Did you ever wonder why Mr. Rogers used “Picture Picture”? He used this visual routine to teach his young audience about how boxes of crayons were made or how macaroni was created. Children rely on their vision to make sense and understand the world around them. Mr. Rogers would use this to his advantage when teaching his audience.
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