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Meta consultants are constantly learning and sharing. When we are not working in the field, we read about cutting edge practices and curricula as well as opportunities and challenges faced by educational organizations.  

Our blog is designed to share both what we are learning and what we are doing.

We meet regularly to share readings and ideas, challenge the status quo  and provide tips from our consultants in action.  

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Many students arrive in our classrooms with a negative self-image of themselves as mathematicians. They may not have experienced success in their previous classes and think of themself as “not a math person”. Images can help break down the hesitancy some students feel about engaging in mathematics.

Something to talk about

Something to talk about

Turn and talks are often one of the first strategies teachers use to get students talking in their math classrooms. To be honest, they’re often one of my first recommendations when I’m coaching teachers as well. Turn and talks are one tool for disrupting the status quo.

8 Ways to Help Children Overcome Math/Test Anxiety

8 Ways to Help Children Overcome Math/Test Anxiety

Students struggling with math may have math anxiety which impedes their capacity to focus and make sense of the assigned problems. They tend to reread the problems over and over and avoid making sense of the problems. This can be caused by math anxiety or general comprehension issues leading to low performance.

5 Ways to Build Children’s Confidence in Math

5 Ways to Build Children’s Confidence in Math

How do we turn children with math anxiety into confident learners? Normalizing mistakes and dispelling math myths are good places to start. Read on for more information, and remember to leave comments on practical ways to build children’s confidence in mathematics.

How often do you ask kids to estimate?

How often do you ask kids to estimate?

If you aren’t already prioritizing estimation in your class, you will be surprised to find out how important this habit of mind is for developing number sense, spatial reasoning, and problem solving. Did you know that kids with good estimation skills tend to recall basic facts well?

Virtual Cuisenaire Rods

Virtual Cuisenaire Rods

Read an excerpt of this ‘Sine of the Times’ blog post based on virtual Cuisenaire rods. Math educator, Daniel Scher, collaborated on the blog post with Dr. Stavroula Patsiomitou, a researcher at the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs in Greece.

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