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Here you can find publications and resources as well as foundational journal articles, and additional resources. This section is updated regularly, so be sure to check back often.
Metamorphosis Authors
WATCH: ‘District Math Leaders Roundtable: Creating Creative Change’ with Metamorphosis Founder Lucy West
This group of experts speak about the challenges and changes that have come about due to the pandemic. They also talk about the creativity that can emerge with the challenges in this roundtable you didn’t know you needed.
Adding Talk to the Equation
This set of video case studies shows you how to skillfully lead math conversations so all students stay in the game, stay motivated about learning, and deepen their understanding. The 84-page companion guide includes transcripts of all the case studies, with detailed commentary from Lucy West.
Content-Focused Coaching
This seminal book is in its 16th printing. Find out why tens of thousands of educators continue to turn to this foundational text on the power of Content Coaching.
Agents of Change
Ready to learn the latest Content Coaching techniques for transforming school culture and inspiring robust learning at every level?
Foundational Texts
Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures by Hans Fredenthal
This book by Hans Freudenthal can be used as a source for those interested in understanding the underpinnings of Realistic Mathematics Education (see the Freudenthal Institute in the Netherlands) and the seminal work of Cathy Fosnot and Maarten Dolk.
Crucial Accountability and Crucial Conversations
Coaching and leading require social and emotional skills that are expressed in how we communicate with others. If you want to bring the best out in the people you work with, coach or supervise these books are ones you will return to again and again to ensure success.
The Young Mathematicians at Work series
This series of books are essential reading for anyone interested in learning about how mathematical ideas get developed in number. In these books, Fosnot & Dolk outline a developmental landscape of learning that is comprised of big ideas, strategies and models. This assessment tool is invaluable to educators thinking about designing rich learning experiences for children. They are companion reading for anyone using the curriculum, Context for Learning.
Principles of Learning for Effort-based Education by Lauren Resnick and Megan Hall
This article is the one that succinctly summarizes the principles of learning backed by decades of research. Accountable Talk, rich tasks, high-cognitive demand and so much more are explained in detail. These principles are the foundation for effective lesson design and high student engagement and achievement. They are the basis of our work at Metamorphosis.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
This is the book that put ‘growth mindset’ on the map. Learn from the researcher who explains how to develop your own and your students’ growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means becoming a true lifelong learner. Easy to read and chock full of useful information.
Core Documents
Norms and Expectations for Teaching Learning Communities
Every learning environment operates with a set of norms. These are the norms we propose to the attendees in our learning communities.
Self Management of Learning
There are many factors that contribute to or inhibit learning. This document offers suggestions on how to thoughtfully manage learning.
Rich Tasks
A rich task requires students to make sense of mathematics and to make connections, between concepts, procedures, problem situations, representations and tools.
Obstacles to Learning
There are plenty of personal habits, tendencies, and cultural norms that enhance learning. We need to identify what gets in the way to move forward.
Listening Stumbling Blocks
Listening is a challenge for many people. Learning to listen well requires identifying the habits that get in our way.
Habits of Mind
Habits of Mind are dispositions displayed by intelligent people in response to problems, dilemmas, and enigmas, the resolution of which are not immediately apparent.
Guide to Core Issues
This document is taken straight from the pages of Lucy West and Toni Cameron’s book, “Agents of Change”. It helps teachers to analyze their lesson design and create content-driven lessons, which are thoughtful and accessible.
Building an Environment for Discourse
This document introduces teacher talk moves and classroom norms that promote the development of a community of discourse.